Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Lenten Movie Cycle: Enhancing Lent Through Film

Every year our family turns off the television for the 40 days of Lent. As those of you who are Catholic know, Sundays do not count as part of Lent, so, like every good Catholic, we immediately revert to every vice that we've sworn off for lent as soon as the clock strikes 12 on Saturday night.

It seemed a little odd to me and my wife, however, that on the one day that is set apart to keep holy, we should immediately engage in the particular behaviours that we for some reason deemed it spiritually good for us to avoid during the week.

Therefore, we decided that on the weekends during Lent, we would only watch movies that somehow edified, uplifted and inspired our family to be better people and to deepen our faith.